Helping Local Individuals and Families With Their Small-business Needs
Protect your business by properly establishing the correct legal entity and documents
Establishing a new entity or improving a current one can be a great way to protect your wealth and reduce potential personal liability. Determining which form of entity you need and how it should be structured is not always simple. We meet with our clients to determine what your goals are for your company and how to best meet those goals.
We can help you establish an LLC, PLLC, LLP, or corporation. We can also help you establish a practical company agreement to govern your entity and prevent disputes. We can also assist you in obtaining an EIN or a subchapter S election for your entity.
Our office can also handle the keeping of your corporate books so that your entity is always up to date and complying with the formalities of Texas law.
Through the initial consultation process, we identify ways to effectively protect your assets and help in long-term goals such as business ownership succession. If you would like to schedule a free consultation, please call our office at (254) 933-4409 or schedule online at: